Feb 10, 2017


Since my blog is still fairly new, for the next T H I R T Y days, I'm going to be blogging alllll about myself just incase anyone reads my blog and isn't one of my family members who already knows these things.

I came across this idea on Pinterest, and thought I'd go for it...
Although, some of these prompts aren't necessarily my favorite, so I do have some other ideas in mind. However, here is primer día...or in ingles, day one (sometimes I forget not everyone is in La clase de español). 

••U N O••
A recent picture of you and fifteen facts about yourself.

Easy Enough...
This picture is from December 1st...I'll get into that in a second.

  1. My name is Elle, and it's pronounced Ellie. My parents just decided to be funky and mess with all the people I come in contact with. 
  2. I do this thing a lot where I let my hair grow out and then cut it off again. That's what this picture (above) is from. It works. I like it. It all began in the eighth grade...I know...IT. WAS. TOO. MUCH. 
  3. I  am a huge Grey's Anatomy fan. I LOVE it. Like I love it the way Derek loves Meredith. Okay maybe not...But, I love it a lot. 
  4. I am completely unsure of what I want to do with my life. I want to be a doctor and a teacher, as well as a journalist, and the White House Press Secretary. We'll see how that works out. 
  5. I happen to own socks with George Washington's face on them. I also happen to own socks with Alexander Hamilton's face on them. I'm a pretty big Hamilfan.
  6. I love, LOVE, L O V E New York. Like LOVE. It's the happiest place and my heart is the happiest there. Like happier than Disney...the happiest place on earth. Woah. 
7. I have pictures of me and all my people strung upon my wall. I think it looks really cute and I wanted to include it here.
8. I own a guitar, but I can only play jingle bells on it. Simply because it's all I know how to play.
 9. I love to draw. But I love to write more. Like write as in like lettering kind of write. Far from the best, but it's a fun lil' hobby. 
10. I refuse to change my sheets to regular sheets so I'm still sleeping on Christmas ones. 
11. My favorite subject this year is History. I love the history, but I don't particularly care for the DBQs:) 
12. I love Pinterest so go follow your girl here!
13. I love cats (you'll see that one day), and I love lions and especially elephants. 
14. My best friend, Elephant and I have spent nearly every night together my entire life. This is him. p
You can see the love all over him.
15. I'm praising the Lord this was the last one because this is hard! My favorite color is gold, and my favorite Bible Verse is Colossians 3:23. 

That's all I've got, today. I'm just your typical New York/Grey's Anatomy/Cat/ Jesus lovin' girl. 

See you tomorrow for another little bit about me! 

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