Mar 13, 2017

So Says Elle is Moving

All of the content will still be there, but is moving to !!

Everything is still being worked out, but I am genuinely excited about this move.

All new posts will be seen there, so come on over and give us a hug and a like!

Mar 8, 2017

Life | thirty days of elle

Here's number 14 for ya.

Not even sure what the prompt is- but I'm just going to write a little life update.

I still have this cold that I talked about two weeks ago.
Yes. TWO weeks ago. It's a lot better now, but I'm on my second dose of antibiotics. Thrilling- my nose wishes it would go away.

My birthday is in F O R T Y days. That's the most exciting, am I right?

Exams are this week, and I am STRESSING out. Seriously- I should be studying, but I'm kind of not feeling it at this point. It's 11:00 and I've been studying for hours.

Spring Break is next week- Thank Goodness. It was a hot winter, so at least our spring break won't be cold this year?

I'm still not on actual social media. Lent is going well.

Today is my friend Michelle's birthday- at least for the next hour...From your super big heart to your super spunky hair...I love you, Suz!! Thank you for always putting a smile on my face! Happy Birthday to ya, Friend!

I am trying to decide between two different science classes for next year. A tad stressed about that.

I've recently become addicted to watching Fixer Upper and I've decided I just want to have Joanna Gaines' job when I grow up.

My mom told me my feet stink today.

That's about it. I'll see you tomorrow- maybe. I might just pick up over spring break...WHO KNOWS.

Maybe the S u R pR I Se can be fun, right?

Anyways Adios.

Feb 28, 2017

Lent | thirty days of elle

I've failed at this.
I'm sorry.
I'm kind of forgetful, so just bare with me here.

Day---T h i r t e e n
Yes, I'm finally doing it. Just a week late.

I don't like today's prompt, because I can't think of anything to write.
So, I'm picking up here.
For the next 46 days I won't be on social media. However, I'll be here- I have way more time on my hands now, and I don't consider this quite the same.

Crazy how social media C O N S U M E S us, isn't it?
I took a break earlier this year to spend more time with the Lord. It was SO refreshing.
During that time I nearly finished Uninvited by Lysa TerKurst (sp?)- I'm not a reader, but it's a good one- I recommend it!
At the time I wrote this post:
...It's a really, really bad habit I have. Waking up in the morning and reaching for my phone. Opening it up without even realizing what I'm doing...tapping on Instagram, or Facebook, or opening a Snapchat.

I sit there and stare at pictures. I stare at people's triumphs, or trips or games they went to. Sometimes I'm even sitting there staring straight into the face of rejection.

Doesn't that put you in some type of super duper grouchy mood?
When you see that your good friends have been hanging out and didn't invite you? Or friends that you had previously made plans with ran off and did something without you? Or you even see some girl who looks nothing like you, but is someone the world continues to tell you is the image of perfect beauty?
Y'all- Snapchat is the devil. For sure. But I reach for it daily, instantly in the morning to make sure that my friends and I don't loose our 200 day streaks. It's become a big, bad habit.

A lot of nights I stay up late working on assignments that are due the next day. It's rare (by rare I mean it doesn't happen) that I come home without homework, and a lot of nights, it's a lot of homework. So sometimes, it's 1 (give or take) A.M. and I'm finally finishing my reading guide...I go hop in the shower if I haven't already, brush my teeth, put my retainer in, and go get in the bed. By then, I'm so tired, so once again, instead of reaching for His word, I'm reaching for my phone...just to probably stare at the face of rejection one last time before I go to bed.
It's like a drug- there is something about it that is SO addicting. I can't even stand to go without it.

So that's where I took a break-
I needed (and still do!) to focus more on understanding the depths of God’s love and living in His fullness, so that I can be wholly obedient to him.
As children of the king, that is our task: Be Obedient.
The rest is his job. So, If we are obedient unto God, if we bask in his fullness…

He WILL handle everything else.
Every anxiety.
Every fear.
Every stress.
Every rejection.

He will heal it. He will comfort it. He will end it. His fullness will surpass it.

That is so stinking cool.
So now, here I am, explaining to you how I'm going to do it for even longer (making it even harder) to observe how GOOD God is.
This 46 days is a time of hope and repentance...a time to observe how crucial the cross is to our lives.
We take that for granted. It's like we become numb to the idea of how powerful it truly is sometimes.

Anyways, I say all of this to say that this is why you won't see any pics on my Instagram or Facebook, or any Grey's tweets on my twitter.

Also- publicly expressing it gives others the opportunity to hold me to it.
So thanks.

See you back here tomorrow for more about me...Basically, today's interesting fact was that I am partaking in Lent and I wanted to tell you about it.



Feb 21, 2017

Goals, Pride, Tunes, and Pals | thirty days of elle

Well, I may have completely forgotten about day 8...and 9...and 10...and 11. 
So consider this day 8 and 9, and 10, and 11, AND TWELVE. 

To be fair- I've been sick all weekend. So, that's my excuse for not showing up. 

We'll start with day 8. 
Today is about short-term goals. 

One of them is to make it through this semester, and another is to get rid of this disgusting cold that I have. I just got an antibiotic, so I should be on my way to feeling much, much better soon! 

This Saturday is the mock exam for my My APUSH class. Another short term goal is to do well on that! 

I don't really know. I should probably start setting goals for myself. 


Day 9, is about something you're proud of in the past few days. 

I'm proud of my blog- of the way I write. Someone complemented it just the other day, and it truly made my heart smile. 

For the longest time it was something I was so nervous about doing, but now, I'm so glad I did. 

Also- I'm proud of my driving...we're getting somewhere👍🏻👍🏻

so now: Day t e n.
Songs you listen to when you're HaPpY, when you're SaD, bOrEd, hYpEd, MaD...

I listen to the same songs constantly. I have two playlists: 
LMM, and the best Jesus Music. 

So that encompasses Hamilton, the Hamilton Mixtape, Moana soundtrack (basically just the songs Lin sings), and then these songs: 

[Hope this super duper late post makes your ears super duper hApPy]

And Day e l e v e n.
another picture of you and your friends. 
we'll just go for a few pictures...ya know, take a lil' stroll down friendship lane. 
My beautiful Big Stuf roomies
Susan Michelle^^
I really love oLIVia and this picture and my pants.
Madeline, Margaret Allen, and I in Auburn this fall!!
 The one where Monica, Rachel and I crushed it.
The sweetest friends.

Madison, Me, Sammi, Abby Kate, and Meredith
Emma, Sarah, and I as Mike, Boo, and Sully
Mary-Harbin...just a gal that has been my gr8 pal for
nearly twelve years but doesn't know my birthday.

and now for day T W E L V E.
thank goodness. 
How you found out about blogger, and why you made one.

Not sure how I found out about blogger, but I made one because I love to write, and a friend told me to. It was enough, so I went for it.

So far, It's been exciting. 

Feb 16, 2017

impact | thirty days of elle

There is a thousand answers to this question, but I think I've already summed it up about a specific group.

My small group has made such an impact in my life.

So go read that post today. For day siete.

Happy Grey's Anatomy day...Tonight's episode was kind of a disappointment..Am I right?

Feb 15, 2017

Batman | thirty days of elle

favorite super hero and why.

B a t m a n.
Simply because he's the only one I know anything about.
Because I watched the show.
Other than that, I know nothing in the super hero department.

I tried to call Hulk, Thor the other day as a helpful example of remembering Thorium. I had no idea.

Anyways, Happy Wednesday (anyone else still spell out Wed-Nes-Day in their head? Because same)!

Feb 14, 2017

New York | thirty days of elle

C I N C O 🎉 
Today is all about a picture of somewhere you've been. 

Obviously this picture shall be of my home, NYC! 🏡

I took this picture on July 2, 2015

I love it so very much.
B e c a u s e...

I love the sense of anonymity that comes a long with being apart of a big city. It's like no one knows who you are, so somehow, that makes it that much more clear to you...who you are, and to whom you belong. 

Feb 13, 2017

coffee, coffee, more coffee | thirty days of elle

Day Cuatro.
Today was supposed to be about a Bad habit I have, but I really wasn't feeling it. 

I bite my nails, okay? 
I also procrastinate. A lot. 
But enough about that...

I love coffee, so I thought maybe I could talk a little about that today instead. 

College students love coffee shops, too. 
Since I live in a college town...We're infested with them..Coffee shops that is.

Well, students too.

I love Starbucks, but I love Heritage House more. I'm pretty sure HH is a local if you're ever in T-town, or if you live should give it a try. 

Anyways, here is a list of my top favorite drinks from both places:
  1. Carmel Macchiato(⭐️💵) AHHHH. With extra caramel drizzle...TO. DIE. FOR. It is a layered drink with milk, expresso, and caramel...and it is TOO good. 
  2.   Snowflake Royal (HH). There's something so super duper about this. I just love it so much! 
  3. Caramel Frappe (⭐️💵) It seems traditional. It's good. It's sweeter than a Macchiato, so if you aren't feeling the expresso, go for it. 
  4. Eskimocha (sp.?) Latte (HH)! Chocolatey Caramel goodness. 
  5. Through the Holidays, Starbucks had this A M A Z I N G drink called a Caramel Brûlée Latte (⭐️💵). It was the best thing I have ever had off of their menu. But as soon as the clock stuck midnight and it became 2017- they got rid of it. I hope to goodness they bring it back this year!!! 
  6. Frozen Hot Chocolate (HH)!!!!!! I got this once before I liked coffee and I still love it today! 
  7. White Chocolate Hot Chocolate (⭐️💵) is always super sweet.
  8. My very first Starbucks love in the 5th (maybe?) grade was a strawberries and cream Frappe (⭐️💵) I love strawberries:) 
  9. Okay, Okay, Okay. I've got to add in another shop. Dunkin' has THE BEST iced coffee. THE. BEST. I love it. Order ya a caramel (sensing a trend here?) with cream and sugar. It won't disappoint ya. 
  10. SIMPLY BECAUSE I need to expand my coffees and try new things and because I am out of ideas...You know, if all of this sounds horrible to you...Water is great, too. No doubt it looks best in a Starbucks cup. 

Anyways, Happy Monday. Go kill the day and grab a cute drink while you're at it.☕️

Feb 12, 2017

Day Three...Ginger | thirty days of elle

Today is a story about a girl who hates selfies and L O V E S attention.
When I saw that this was what today was about, I'm pretty sure I squealed.
"A picture of your Animals"

I've got more than one.
I mentioned before that I love cats, yes?
Well that love is all because of Ginger the cat...she's my best friend.

Our friend found Ginger sometime after a tornado swept through our town in 2011. She was just a tiny little kitten! My friends and I donated some things to an animal shelter soon after the tornado, and they invited us back to see the dogs. I was afraid that I would be too sad to look at the dogs/too afraid of the dogs to go back, so a nice lady offered to let me look at the cats.

I don't know why I went, because I had been praying and praying and praying for a dog and 10 year old Elle didn't even like cats.
But, I did and I fell in love with two orange kittens.
Little did I know that Ginge here was living with another super nice lady who had friends for her to play with!

We got Ginger soon after coming home from the beach early that summer, and she quickly became by new BFF.

However, we don't know if she was actually in the tornado or not.

Here is a fact for each year she's lived:

1. Her made up birthday is May 4!
2. I am her favorite person, although my mom likes to pretend she is.
3. Ginger likes for us to nap together sometimes.
4. She loves to climb on top of doors and then loudly meow until you come get her down...
5. She will be SIX this year!
5.5. Her birthday was chosen to be in May because we already had too many April birthdays in our fam.


Super thankful for Ginge...She's the greatest.

Feb 11, 2017

Day Two | thirty days of elle

Welcome Back!
Feeling a little disappointed today, as I had the first five or six of these posts already written...and accidentally deleted them.
So, you know, here I

~day d o s~
Today was supposed to be about the meaning behind my blog's name, but honestly, that story is kind of short and sweet.
The same teacher, mentor, and f r i e n d that inspired my blog by inspiring me to write as my teacher, and inspired me to start a blog as my friend, came up with sosayselle.

The texts went something like this:
"Help, I need a blog name!!"
To which she responds:
...and SoSaysElle was it.

This is the gal that came up with SSE...
{B} (I made that rhyme intentionally 😊)

She was my seventh grade english teacher, and she loved me through all of that mess...Her friendship is obviously a treasure....Colossians 3:23 (NIV)..."Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters," She is the perfect example of this verse and inspires me to be, too!

Feb 10, 2017


Since my blog is still fairly new, for the next T H I R T Y days, I'm going to be blogging alllll about myself just incase anyone reads my blog and isn't one of my family members who already knows these things.

I came across this idea on Pinterest, and thought I'd go for it...
Although, some of these prompts aren't necessarily my favorite, so I do have some other ideas in mind. However, here is primer día...or in ingles, day one (sometimes I forget not everyone is in La clase de español). 

••U N O••
A recent picture of you and fifteen facts about yourself.

Easy Enough...
This picture is from December 1st...I'll get into that in a second.

  1. My name is Elle, and it's pronounced Ellie. My parents just decided to be funky and mess with all the people I come in contact with. 
  2. I do this thing a lot where I let my hair grow out and then cut it off again. That's what this picture (above) is from. It works. I like it. It all began in the eighth grade...I know...IT. WAS. TOO. MUCH. 
  3. I  am a huge Grey's Anatomy fan. I LOVE it. Like I love it the way Derek loves Meredith. Okay maybe not...But, I love it a lot. 
  4. I am completely unsure of what I want to do with my life. I want to be a doctor and a teacher, as well as a journalist, and the White House Press Secretary. We'll see how that works out. 
  5. I happen to own socks with George Washington's face on them. I also happen to own socks with Alexander Hamilton's face on them. I'm a pretty big Hamilfan.
  6. I love, LOVE, L O V E New York. Like LOVE. It's the happiest place and my heart is the happiest there. Like happier than Disney...the happiest place on earth. Woah. 
7. I have pictures of me and all my people strung upon my wall. I think it looks really cute and I wanted to include it here.
8. I own a guitar, but I can only play jingle bells on it. Simply because it's all I know how to play.
 9. I love to draw. But I love to write more. Like write as in like lettering kind of write. Far from the best, but it's a fun lil' hobby. 
10. I refuse to change my sheets to regular sheets so I'm still sleeping on Christmas ones. 
11. My favorite subject this year is History. I love the history, but I don't particularly care for the DBQs:) 
12. I love Pinterest so go follow your girl here!
13. I love cats (you'll see that one day), and I love lions and especially elephants. 
14. My best friend, Elephant and I have spent nearly every night together my entire life. This is him. p
You can see the love all over him.
15. I'm praising the Lord this was the last one because this is hard! My favorite color is gold, and my favorite Bible Verse is Colossians 3:23. 

That's all I've got, today. I'm just your typical New York/Grey's Anatomy/Cat/ Jesus lovin' girl. 

See you tomorrow for another little bit about me! 

Jan 30, 2017

A Letter to My Small Group

My very first blog post was all about how thankful I am for my teachers. 
Similarly, I'm so very thankful for my Bible Study leaders/ teachers. 
So I figured I could write one for them, too. 
Then I realized...that same love and gratitude stretches so far beyond those people. 
So I think this is just going to be a letter to my Bible study class/small group. Both leaders and others...
For holding me as I cried.
For rejoicing with me over my triumphs. 
For praying for me in my heartache.
For truly being my best gals...

I've told Hannah and Maggie a time or two how much of an answered prayer they both (and Jen..I don't think I've told you, but you, too) are. I don't even have the words to express how incredibly honored and grateful I am to get to have each of them walk with me through life. It's the greatest, and
it's the same way for each of my other sisters in Christ. For the ones who I sit next to in class every single day, and who I hold hands with and pray for.

From D-Now, to the Awakening, to Big Stuf, and VBS, to new school years, and different heartache and times of praise...These girls are some of my biggest supporters.
Thank you for being just that. Our group is a unique one. We grew up together. We're spending (so far) the best of our lives together, and we will get to see eventually how much better what is to come truly is. 

You girls and friends can be my rock when I've had a bad day, some of my greatest cheerleaders, and some of the best shoulders to cry on. 

Thank you for never ever judging me as I share my struggles with you.
Thank you for letting me text you at any hour.
Thank you for being in ridiculous (but ridiculously fun) group snaps with me. 
Thank you for being what I need in a friend and an encourager, when I don't deserve it at all.
Thank you for encouraging me through my triumphs and trials.
Thank you for the gift of crying with you. Of rejoicing with you. Of praying for you. It is one of the greatest honors.
Thank you for never hesitating to talk to me when you need me.
Thank you for letting me be myself around you. That is truly rare.
Thank you for being my friend when it wasn't the easiest.
Thank you for loving me through my awkwardness.
Thank you for listening to me be loud.
Thank you for letting me put glitter allllll over you. 
Thank you for praying about even the smallest APUSH quizzes.
Thank you for holding my hand throughout High School, and continuing to do so until we graduate. 
Thank you for always being excited when I bring breakfast. It makes me excited, too. 
Thank you for the best D-Nows!! 
Thank you for loving me when I felt as if I was the most unlovable. 
Thank you for making this path we get to walk together the most fun. 

My gratitude for you all stretches so far. 

My prayer for each and every one of you friends of mine is that you will somehow be impacted by me in the same way that I have by you. You girls have absolutely NO IDEA how big my love is for you, or how big you have touched my heart. I adore every one of you, and there is no doubt in my mind how BIG God is going to use each and every one of us to shake up his kingdom, either. I am so proud to be your friend and sister in Jesus. Thank you for showing me the beauty of that relationship.

Alllllllllll my love, 

Two people are better than one, because they can reap more benefit from their labor. For if they fall, one will help his companion up, but pity the person who falls down and has no one to help him up. -Ecclesiastes 4:9-10